
I keep this daily blog for four reasons:

  • To digest and remember technical concepts.
  • To chronicle my experience in case others find it helpful.
  • To keep family and friends updated while I disappear for three months.
  • To represent my integrity and tenacity in fulfilling a daily commitment even after 11+ hours/day of coding, 6-7 days/week for 3 months.

That being said, this blog is not exhaustive technical documentation.

Please feel free to browse the daily entries from my 13 weeks at MakerSquare.

MakerSquare (MKS) is a 3 month software engineering immersive (800+ hours) that teaches a JavaScript-focused curriculum (Node.js, Express, AngularJS, Backbone, React, jQuery, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.). Students learn data structures and algorithms, and how to build powerful web applications using modern languages, databases, libraries, and frameworks.

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